Saturday, February 28, 2009

Spinning and Thumping: Alcohol

Somewhere between 9pm last night and 9am this morning I was able to lose 5 lbs.

At 9pm my friend came over reared and ready to go out to party at a club in the area. Naturally, as friends do, we got to cracking a few bottles of beer open together and threw them to the backs of our throats before taking off. I don't encourage drinking and driving (especially if we're on our way to go and drink some more), but in this particular case, I gambled.

A cousin of mine was djing the event and had spotted me in a crowd. He told the doorman to let me and my friend in. What happened next was a seemingly endless blur of strangeness:

-Every three steps I ran into somebody I knew, or at least somebody that knew me.
-A sea of bodies bombarded my senses, most of whom towered over me in height.
-I consumed way too many drinks of different varieties.
-I danced with random people left and right.
-Somewhere along the night I gave a really tall waitress a piggy-back ride.
-I threw up on the side of the road.

It would be futile to attempt to explain what happened last night in a way that would be anywhere near interesting, so I'll fast forward to what happened when I came back home:

-I fumbled with my keys at the front door.
-I stumbled in at 2:45am, most likely waking my roommates.
-I remember walking into a clean room.
-I threw my possessions on my table, disrobed and went to sleep.
-I woke up to the world spinning and my head thumping.
-In my mouth there were Mardi Gras beads.
-At my feet there was loose change, my wallet, keys, watches and coupons.
-I was curious about that, so I rolled over and felt markers, pens, pencils, mints, and vitamins against my arms.
-After assessing the situation, I went to the bathroom to try and sort this mess out.
-I weighed myself on the scale just because it was there (as I did last night).
-I lost 5 lbs.

What the hell happened last night?

I'm really uncertain, which probably explains the ragtag way this post was pieced together. My head hurts too much to try and make some decent sense out of things and make this post lyrical. Besides, the taste of the lingering bile is really making me more nauseous. I'm going to eat some Lil' Smokies to try and rinse that flavor out.

Birthday weekend night #1 on the books.

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