Saturday, April 25, 2009

Murphy's Law?

Firstly, yesterday was awesome.

Secondly, today is not. In fact, I'd say that it is an absolute 180 degree/100 per cent opposite definition of opposite.

Thirdly, I won't explain why.

Fourthly, let's talk about Murphy's Law:

For those of you who aren't familiar with Murphy's Law, it is basically, in a nutshell, the idea that anything that can go wrong, will.

"Thou shall not tempt the God of Murphy lest they wish for him to unleash the wrath that is his Law"
-Some Awesome Guy (Psst! It's me!)

I've learned that the best way to avoid the invocation of Murphy's Law is to stray as far away as one can from uttering the phrase, "Things can't possibly get any worse than this." For once said, things will almost certainly find a way of becoming increasingly difficult as time wears on (at least until you go to sleep and wake up the next day... and at most, for the rest of your life). Even thinking the phrase can be damaging, especially when in company of another person who is thinking the exact same thing, as the act of two minds thinking against Murphy's Law will bring double the dose of consequence - of course, the last part is only theory, but scientific speculation cautions against the idea of testing it.

That being said, riding the high from yesterday's wave of excitement has most certainly made the fall that much more worse. By now, I've crashed and burned harder than I expected. Now that I think about it, I feel so defeated that I don't see any harm in recounting the highlights, or in this case 'lowlights' of my day:

-Running on four hours of sleep this Saturday is destroying my soul
-My car is having a slumber party with other cars at the mechanic's shop
-Because of the above statement, I'm out $1100 dollars.
-I'm stranded
-My cell phone battery is dead
-My house keys are attached to the car keys at the shop which is now closed for today
-My roommates are out at parties or with friends for the day
-My parents (within walking distance from my current location) have fled the coop
-I used up the rest of my battery on my phone calling 8 people who would possibly give me a ride... and got forwarded to 8 voice mail messages
-I have no cash for the bus
-My left nipple on my shirt has a nice stain from a sample piece of Orange Chicken; so now it looks like I'm lopsidedly lactating orange juice.
-Why won't my Pink-Eye go away?

Now granted, there are definitely worse things that can happen. By no means is my situation the end of the world (that's in 2012). I mean, for example, I could get hit by a bus and turn into a male version of Helen Keller.

But by then, the bus driver might feel obligated to at least give me a ride, so I guess that wouldn't be all too bad.

The horrible thing is that I've already anticipated for the day to get exponentially worse. I don't know how, but I have a sinking feeling that this isn't the end of the bad string of events for me. So, now that I've made it to a coffee shop to plug my laptop in, I've decided to wait out the storm until things clear up.

Consider it my rest or medicine for the sickness that is Murphy's Law.

By the way, in addition, my coffee tastes like feet.

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