Monday, March 30, 2009

Time Crunch

As my family grows older, we also grow larger (*Not necessarily in the weight department. I mean, come on, if anything else, we're definitely a sexy bunch*). A new addition to our family was born earlier this month, increasing the number of March birthdays by one - and we couldn't be more excited.

But while I'm elated to have such a blessing to be so close to my friends, family and loved ones. I've learned that the time I have for things that I want to do for myself has been spread thinner than butter on toast.

This blog, for example has been neglected far longer than I anticipated.

I don't have many things that I want to do, but the the few things that I have in mind require a bit more attention than most:

-Writing books
-Working Out

Just to name a few.

Maybe it's just me, or perhaps it's just all of the craziness happening during the month of March, but whatever the case it seems that the world is moving too fast for me and I am struggling just to keep up with it.

I saw this video the other day (Link: that made me wonder. It was all about how the world was getting exponentially bigger and how we are living in a faster and faster age. It noted that the amount of new technical information is doubling every two years - which means that for students starting a four-year technical degree, half of what they learn their first year will be outdated by their third year of study. How wack is that?

Maybe I'm just nostalgic, but I agree with the message of this video more:

It's weird, I've always felt this way since high school about things. Does that mean that I've wasted all of my time since then because I've been so caught up in wanting to revert to old ways? I don't know. All I know is that there aren't enough hours in the day, and my ambition is slowly waned as the life-tests of procrastination and social pressures are washing over me in unforgiving waves.

But then I remember that I don't mind spending time with pretty girls and when I do, all of those other things that I was bitching and complaining about earlier get placed on the back-burner.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

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